Monday, 3 October 2016

Body positivity

Body positivity is a huge topic within the media today, and something that has been of great significance to me growing up. I've never been someone who has had much self confidence when it comes to my figure, which I guess many people are the same. It's such a sensitive topic. 
However, I think it's important to talk about these issues, which many are created by society and social media. 

As a teenage girl I think these issues are especially poignant. The constant pressure from sites such as Instagram and Tumblr can have such huge effects on someone confidence. Constantly comparing yourself to these model like figures, which are often hugely distorted by societies opinion of perfection. Who wouldn't love to have perfect abs, and toned legs, but lets be honest, unless your a major gym goer or fitness fanatic many of these figures are not obtainable. Of course it is so important to strive to be happy and healthy, and I salute anyone who had the motivation and determination to get these attributes but this doesn't mean they are any more acceptable or beautiful than every other body type. 

This issue came to my attention recently while I was browsing some of my favourite shopping sites online. It shocked me to see that the models these sites were using and advertising as 'Plus Size' were no where near plus size, but were merely curvy. Placing this label on people who have a different body shape could have some detrimental effects upon someones view of their body. Suggesting that curvy means larger, which is in no way accurate. 

I guess my point here is that I, like many women struggle understand why we are constantly advertised certain aspects as beautiful, rather than individuality, or the promotion of happiness. After all every one is different. I hope in the future advertising on social media will adapt with the times and place a more positive outlook towards body positivity, but for now I guess it's your attitude towards this and yourself should be the main driver. 

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